A network of charging stations open to the public
With your GMOB PASS, access over 250,000 charging points throughout Europe and the French overseas territories!
gmob smart charging
Promoting low-carbon charging
We can control our charging stations intelligently and modulate the energy delivered according to various constraints (power available on the grid, rate of renewable energy).
At the level of a single charging station or a cluster of stations, we can thus encourage charging at times of day when the carbon footprint is most favorable.
Comment se recharger sur le réseau gmob ?
Find a charger
The charging points where you can recharge are visible on the GMOB application and on our website.
Branchez votre véhicule
Connect the vehicle to the available charging point
Start the charging
By using a Pass or scanning the QR code on the station with your phone and entering your payment method (credit card, Charge Pass, Apple Pay, Google Pay...).
Keep track of charging progress on the application
Stop charging
In the same way as for starting the refill, you can use a Pass or the mobile application to stop the refill and pay.
Débranchez votre véhicule
Once you have stopped recharging, you can unplug the vehicle.
Charging rates at GMOB public access charging stations
On GMOB network public access charging stations, the cost of recharging depends on the type of station (AC or DC) and is based on two cumulative tariff components:
- amount of energy delivered (kWh)
- charger occupancy time (min)
Public charging rates apply to users not registered with GMOB.
Les porteurs d'un pass gmob bénéficient de prix préférentiels.
For each charge point, the applicable tariff can be consulted on the GMOB mobile application.

Rates applicable to GMOB PASS holders
With the GMOB PASS, you benefit from preferential rates on all public-access terminals in our network, up to 30% off the public network access price.
Avec le pass gmob, vous pouvez également vous recharger sur toutes les bornes de notre réseau partenaire (visible sur notre application) et pas uniquement sur les bornes gmob. Dans ce cas, le prix de la recharge sera majoré de 10% par rapport au prix appliqué par l'exploitant de la borne.
La demande d'un pass gmob se fait gratuitement sur notre portail. Inscrivez-vous pour accéder à plus de 250 000 points de charge !
Tarifs applicables aux clients non enregistrés sur le portail gmob
(au 1ᵉʳ janvier 2024)
If you are not yet a GMOB PASS holder, you can still access our stations using the GMOB mobile application. .
Your charge will be billed according to current public prices.
La demande d'un
pass gmob
se fait gratuitement sur notre portail, inscrivez-vous !

Rates applicable to customers subscribing to another Charging station access provider
If you subscribe to another charging station access provider, you can also use the badge supplied by them, in which case recharging will be billed directly by your traditional IRVE access provider.
Additional roaming charges may be applied by your traditional charging station provider.
La demande d'un
pass gmob
se fait gratuitement sur notre portail, inscrivez-vous !